A Minister's Dedication

July 24, 2011
Well, This isn't really a blog, It's A Minister's Dedication. This is what I have sworn before the Lord to do, and I wanted to share it with you: Here it is: To this day that is mine, my country's and my God's, I dedicate my all, My talents, every one, shall be held subject to the sight draft of the emergencies of others. I will enlarge my soul by cultivating love for those from whom I find myself recoiling. No man shall ever feel his color or his caste in my presence, for within my heart of hearts there shall be no conciousness of it.

The man who has fallen shall find me a friend, the woman down, a helper. But more than this, those falling shall have my trust that they may stand again. The cry of every child shall find my heart whether cry of need or of aspiration. Not one of all the nation's "little one's" shall be despised. Cherishing every life of whatever land or race and mindful of hidden struggles in all things I will strive to help and to serve.

No word shall ever pass my lips that hurts another in things of face, form, station, or estate. My own weaknesses, my foilbles, and my sins shall chasten speech and deny my pride. My life shall be a dedicated thing. I shall count it desecration to pervert it. The vandal hands of lust and hate and greed shall not be permitted to despoil.

And thus I resolve, not because I am good, but that I want to be; not because I am strong, but that I feel weakness, Not that I feel above others; but with all my soul, I long to be one of humankind, both helped, and helper. So do I dedicate my days. So do I set apart my culture. So do I recieve but also give to others. So do I press humbly into the presence of the sacrificial Son of Man, crying out in eager consecration, "Let me follow Thee, Master." wherever the world still needs ministry, wherever life is still to be given for many.

Help me, Thou whose manger cradle brought democracy to light, to meet in my own worth democracy's final test and to my own great day be true.

The Miracle of Childbirth

July 15, 2011
Good Morning, This is a great time in my life as my little girl was born yesterday, and Loving God like I do, I simply had to thank Him and pay tribute on this joyous occasion. So as always, we will pray to start off here. 

Loving God, thank you for the gift of Hailey Grace into our lives.Thank you especially for her safe delivery, the strength of her mother, and the support of the Kelly and Pully families. You know how eagerly this family has anticipated Hailey joining us. Rejoice with us, as...
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The Obvious Question

May 11, 2011

The Obvious Question.

Well, Where do I start? I must first admit that with the behaviour that some of you had come to know me for, I am amazed that more people did not laugh, or say "Bryan Pully!? A minister!? COME ON MAN?! what's he up too?" when this Ministry suddenly came about. In Fact, No one has questioned it at all. (to me) anyway. Instead, The Pully Ministry/Home Church of Christ and our Bible Drive, has received unbridled support!. Your Generosity has suprised me, and humbled me...

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My First In Home Service/Dedication Of The New Home Church Of Christ

May 1, 2011

My First In Home Service

Good Morning Everybody! I just did my First In Home Sunday Morning Service, and I wanted to Share the Format of what I did with everyone and see what you think. First, I would like to Announce that I enjoyed preaching very much, It was very humbling, and Powerful! It was like drinking a Spiritual Redbull! If you've ever experienced the Holy Spirit, You know what I mean!. So, heres what we did.


Hymn: He Turned The Water Into Wine

Dedication of The New Hom...

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Making The Case For Home Worship

April 28, 2011

Making The Case For Home Worship

By Bryan Pully (Gospel Minister)


There is much more to Worshipping God than just going to Church. There are many ways to Worship God in our everyday lives that do not include going to Church. There are lots of people these days who go to Church every Sunday without fail! Never missing a beat! And they'll let you know it! Yet for the rest of the week, there is no mention of God in their lives and they do not pray to Him or read the Bible! You may go to...

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