My First In Home Service

Good Morning Everybody! I just did my First In Home Sunday Morning Service, and I wanted to Share the Format of what I did with everyone and see what you think. First, I would like to Announce that I enjoyed preaching very much, It was very humbling, and Powerful! It was like drinking a Spiritual Redbull! If you've ever experienced the Holy Spirit, You know what I mean!. So, heres what we did.


Hymn: He Turned The Water Into Wine

Dedication of The New Home Church Of Christ

Call To Worship

Hymn: Amazing Grace


Invocation/Lords Prayer

Sermon: Making The Case For Home Worship

Closing Prayer

Hymn: Where You There When They Crucified My Lord


Now that is the Format that I used for Services. Here is the Dedication, Call To Worship, Invocation, Some talk about the Sermon, and the Closing Prayer.


According to the New Testament, Jesus, who is called The Christ, laid the foundation for the beginning of his Church through His birth, life, ministry, death, burial, and ressurection. This plan culminated on the Day of Pentecost. Within the pattern of the New Testament church we discover two Christian Ordinances: (1) Baptism the initial rite, by which through obedience the penitent beleiver dramatizes his new relationship to Christ as he enacts the death,burial,and ressurection of The Lord Jesus Christ. (2) The Lord's Supper, instituted on the night before His betrayal, by which Christians "as often as they partake" are reminded of the suffering and sacrificial death of Christ upon the Cross, that the world might be redeemed. We the members of The New Home Church of Christ, in order to promote the work of the Church in the spirit of Christ, and thus advance His Kingdom, do this day covenant and agree that together we will strive to bring His Kingdom on earth. The purpose of this local Church shall be, as revealed in the New Testament, to win people to faith in Jesus Christ and commmit them actively to growth in Grace and in Knowledge of Christ, that increasingly they may know and do his will; to work for the untity of all Christians and with them engage in the building of the Kingdom of God.

Call to Worship

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30

Invocation/ Lords Prayer

Our Father and our God, we humbly come before Thee in these quiet moments, seeking to Worship Thee, we trust, in spirit and in truth. Give us open minds, responsive hearts, that we may strengthen each other as our spirits drink deeply from the everlasting fountain of thy Love. Through Christ our Lord we pray, Amen.


The basis for my Sermon this morning was my first blog entitled Making The Case For Home

Worship. I read from it, and throughout reading it, stopped to discuss things that came into my heart as I read it. The message was that there are many ways to Worship God, including prayer and goodwill in general. Worshipping is something that should be done humbly and sometimes privately, instead of something to proudly boast about. Church is good, and you should attend when you can, but THE ACT of going to Church in itself, escpecially just to say that you did, is not going to get you into Heaven. We need to Worship WHENEVER WE CAN, WHEREVER WE CAN, and we need to do it sincerely. Amen.

Closing Prayer

Lord, Make me an Instrument of Thy Peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt,faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light; and

where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much

seek to be consoled as to console;

to be understood, as to understand;

to be loved, as to love;

for it is in giving that we receive;

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

and it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life. Amen

Well, There it is! I wish you could have heard the whole Sermon. There were points where the words were flying out of my mouth faster than I could think them, It was almost as if I were listening to someone else! So I hope you like what you are reading and if you have time please tell me what you think of the Service that I put together! Thank you and God Bless you All.

Bryan Pully (Gospel Minister)